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Back in action

So, after a brief interlude whilst we moved house, workshop, etc. I am now back in action with a new workshop at our new home in Hope, Derbyshire. There is a huge (never-ending!) amount of work still to do, and there is a large backlog of jobs for people that had to be put on hold whilst we humped boxes about, but I finally have space to get on with everything.

Current jobs on the go include a large corner bench made in some of my sycamore that we milled last year, and which is finally dry and ready to use. I'm so pleased we took the time and effort to process our own timber and air dry it - it's absolutely lovely to work with. I have had a few turning jobs to do too which are now done - I have been using some of the Yew that we milled last year, and it's very beautiful indeed.

Here are few pictures of recent stuff.....hover over them for details

Indian Rosewood bowl

Walnut spice rack
Spice rack carving detail
Bench with walnut pegs
Garden bench detail - walnut pegs and sunflower

Chopping board in maple, oak and laburnum

Yew bowl

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